Beana's Comments
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Got thie pet tonight. For ordos.. When you get to the bridge just leap of faith jump and it transports you over. I waited for friends to arrive then pet achieved.
Okay 3 goblins in I got him. I would recommend going to wowhead. They have a very accurate timer of when they spawn. You have to go to their info on it, it won't show on the main page. So when its time in the city you're at. Hit the Map button a golden portal will appear, this is the spawn point of the goblin. Fly there. Hit it GOOD LUCK!!
Found mine as a main 55, 66. In a small cave.
Finally dropped right at the entrance to Korthia. I also like others below had to run around and do a few pet battles for about 30 mins till I saw him spawn. He actually was the spawn he wasn't a backline pet.
Rewarded at the end of Twisted Corridors on the 18th floor on Layer 2. We did it as 3 man, however a guildie of mine soloed it as a BM Hunter Ilev 200. He just said it took a few hours to do. Note. Unless you get invited by a friend to Layer 2 (which you will get the award for) You must have completed layer 1.
I found this boss up by Glitterfall Basin and I got the quest to bring gorm to the gorm wrangler. This boss was circling there. He runs fast! So you need to mount him and then stun him, jump off beat him up, mount stun, wash rinse repeat. When he was dead he dropped the pet.
When you go down the branch to get the pet, make sure you don't have a WQ up around it or the egg might not show. Finish the WQ and then the egg will appear.
Also you have to run through a pile of leets to get to it. I just ran naked died in front of the chest and ran back. Worked like a charm!
Same spot as everyone else 56 59 only one and he was in the pool.
He spawned literally right under the leet. I got him rare (only one there) and then of course after I caught him I got squished by the leet. lol.
Just got this pet after 500! What a great flying killer between arcane blast, phase shift and weakness....great pet!!
Okay I am running around Warbeast Kraal in Alpha and there is a cute critter around here called a Warbeast Gekkota if you come here you will see it. I hope this is a future pet!
Got this guy with my guild tonight. You can do BRH on heroic and then leave the instance to port out quickly. You can do normal mythic with no key to get this now, which helps. Really strong elemental killer!
So jump all the way down in the pit, you'll hesitate before you do but jump it looks like an old city when you jump not a cave ish. Also its 110 mobs plus small spiders make sure when you kill the spiders you don't accidentally AOE the pet :)
So far I have 5 of them.... 2 in my bank and 3 logged.... All seem to be female. Anyone seen a male yet?
I gotta give this Moth Props, amazing against squatic, fast and poweful. And he's actually pretty (for a moth) the graphics on here don't give this pet Justice at all. He has a pretty glow about him when you use him in the game! Try and see!
I love this pet! The attacks are awesome :) defence as well. Worth it ;)
Just got mine!! Adorable!!
The hardest of the 3 pre quests to get is the Hinterlands. Wowhead will show that turtles drop him if you look at their locator map, when in fact all creatures in the Hinterlands will drop him. I ended up nuking all the trolls in Jintha Alor for a few hours until the Beacon dropped.
Just got mine yesterday! Today he is 25 pretty badass to have follow you. Mediocre in battle.
For love, for honour, for adventure!