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Great Cleave

Great Cleave
2 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Cleave your enemies, dealing 453 Undead damage, split evenly amongst them.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic


1-4 of 4
Used By:
Gruesome Belcher [Smelly Cleaver]

Vendor: Sean Wilkers

Zone: Eastern Plaguelands

Cost: 3Cleansed Remains (unlimited supply)

Lil'Doomy [Lil'Doomy's Hilt]

Vendor: Historian Ma'di

Zone: Tanaris

Cost: 10Bronze Celebration Token (unlimited supply)

Rattlejaw [Shadowy Pile of Bones]

Drop: Nefarian [??+]

Zone: Blackwing Descent

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Will of Remornia [Pommel Jewel of Remornia]

Drop: Sire Denathrius [??+]

Zone: Castle Nathria

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-4 of 4
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