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Focuses intensely, increasing your speed, hit, and critical strike chance by 25% for 5 rounds.


1-10 of 10
Used By:
Amberbarb Wasp

Pet Battle: [25] Gorgrond

Bloodsting Wasp

Pet Battle: [25] Spires of Arak

Bone Wasp [Bone Wasp]

Vendor: Kil'rip

Zone: Frostwall

Faction: Laughing Skull - Revered

Cost: 1000gold 2000Apexis Crystal (unlimited supply)

Flayer Youngling

Pet Battle: [18-19] Terokkar Forest

Kaja Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Zuldazar

Land Shark [Land Shark]

Profession: Fishing

Vendor: Nat Pagle - Good Friends

Zone: Lunarfall, Frostwall

Cost: 50Nat's Lucky Coin (unlimited supply)

Ranishu Runt [Ranishu Runt]

Vendor: Jenoh

Zone: Vol'dun

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Sting Ray Pup [Sting Ray Pup]

Profession: Legion Fishing

Vendor: Conjurer Margoss - Good Friends

Zone: Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Cost: 50Drowned Mana (unlimited supply)

Twilight Wasp

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostfire Ridge; [25] Gorgrond

Wood Wasp

Pet Battle: [25] Gorgrond

1-10 of 10
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