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Glowing Toxin

Abilities by Family Flying Glowing Toxin
Glowing Toxin

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 6% of the target's max health as damage every round.


Lasts 4 rounds.


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1-25 of 30
Used By:
Amberglow Stinger [Tiny Amber Wings]

Drop: Blade Lord Ta'yak [??+]

Zone: Heart of Fear

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Animite Broodling

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Bloodstone Tunneler [Bloodstone Tunneler]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bumbles [Large Honeycomb Cluster]

Achievement: Let's Bee Friends

Category: Battle for Azeroth

Darkmoon Glowfly

Pet Battle: [1-10] Darkmoon Island

Devouring Animite [Devouring Animite]

Shadowlands Adventures: Charthox the Indomitable [60]

Zone: Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth

Docile Skyfin [Docile Skyfin]

Drop: Fel-Spotted Egg after 5 days becomes [Cracked Fel-Spotted Egg]

Contains: 1 in 7 options

Dreadmaw [Giant Worm Egg]

Drop: Icehowl [??+]

Zone: Trial of the Crusader

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Fel-Afflicted Skyfin [Fel-Afflicted Skyfin]

Drop: Fel-Spotted Egg after 5 days becomes [Cracked Fel-Spotted Egg]

Contains: 1 in 7 options

Firefly [Captured Firefly]

Drop: Bogflare Needler [10-30]

Zone: Zangarmarsh

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,500

Fluttering Glimmerfly

Pet Battle: [25] Bastion

Foulwing Buzzer [Foulwing Buzzer]

Drop: Ravenomous [61]

Zone: Maldraxxus

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Glowing Sporebat [Glowing Sporebat]

Vendor: Tiffy Trapspring

Zone: Lunarfall

Cost: 100Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Giada Goldleash

Zone: Frostwall

Cost: 100Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Hallowed Glowfly [Hallowed Glowfly]

Drop: Hallowfall Sparkfly

Zone: Hallowfall

Drop Rate: 1 in 1


Pet Battle: [25] The Ringing Deeps

Mei Li Sparkler

Pet Battle: [23-25] Krasarang Wilds

Seaborne Spore [Seaborne Spore]

Drop: Fel-Touched Pet Supplies

Zone: Tanaan Jungle [40]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Shrine Fly

Pet Battle: [23-25] The Jade Forest

Skyfin Juvenile

Pet Battle: [25] Eredath

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1-25 of 30
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