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Howling Blast

Howling Blast
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 492 Elemental damage to the enemy.


Deals 98 additional damage to the enemy team if the target is Chilled .

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter


1-9 of 9
Used By:
Frigid Frostling [Ice Chip]

World Event: Midsummer Fire Festival

Daily Instance: Lord Ahune [20+]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 20 dropped (available 15 days per year)

Frostbrood Whelpling [Frostbrood Whelpling]

Vendor: Slimy

Zone: Acherus: The Ebon Hold (Death Knight Order Hall)

Cost: 1000Order Resources (unlimited supply)

Ghostflame [Ghostflame]

Vendor: Mythressa

Zone: Valdrakken

Cost: 1000Elemental Overflow (unlimited supply)

Landro's Lichling [Landro's Lichling]

Trading Card Game: Worldbreaker

Tiny Snowman [Snowman Kit]

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil

Item: [Gaily Wrapped Present] (found under Winter Veil tree)

Contains: 1 in 4 options

Zephyrian Prince [Zephyr's Call]

Drop: Al'Akir [??+]

Zone: Throne of the Four Winds

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-9 of 9
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