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100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Beast damage and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying


1-24 of 24
Used By:
Anxious Nibbler

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Bakar Companion [Bakar Companion]

Drop: Grand Hunt Spoils

Approximate Drop Rate:  Unknown

Domestic Aunian [Domestic Aunian]

Vendor: Duchess Mynx

Zone: Korthia

Faction: Death's Advance - Honored

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm 1500Stygia (unlimited supply)

Drustvar Piglet [Drustvar Piglet]

Vendor: Nigel Rifthold

Zone: Drustvar

Cost: 75Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Olly (H)

Zone: Dazar'alor

Cost: 75Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Eepy [Eepy]

Vendor: Lab Assistant Laszly

Zone: Undermine

Faction: Steamwheedle Cartel - Revered

Cost: 6500Resonance Crystals (unlimited supply)

Foreman [Foreman]

Achievement: Family Battler of Undermine

Category: Battle

Fullbelly Rollingpaw [Fullbelly Rollingpaw]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 350Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Goggles [Goggles]

Source: Unknown

Golden Snorf [Golden Snorf]

Drop: King Mechagon [??+]

Zone: Operation: Mechagon

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Grinner [Grinner]

Source: Unknown

Jiggles [Jiggles]

Vendor: Su Zettai

Zone: Maldraxxus

Covenant: Necrolord (Renown 27)

Cost: 1500Reservoir Anima 30Grateful Offering (unlimited supply)

Lil' Ben'fon [Lil' Ben'fon]

Vendor: Happy Holaua

Zone: Zuldazar

Cost: 300Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Lord Woofington [Lord Woofington]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Mosscoated Gromit [Mosscoated Hopper]

Drop: Death's Advance Supplies

Zone: Korthia

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Mutt [Mutt]

Drop: G-99 Breakneck Shipping & Handling Job Streak

Zone: Undermine

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Scritches [Scritches]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Scruff [Scruff]

Source: Unknown

Snowsoft Nibbler [Snowsoft Nibbler]

Drop: Fungarian Furor [50]

Zone: Mechagon

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Sunny [Sunny]

Pet Store (Pet Pack for Ukraine) 

Swamp Toad [Toad in a Box]

Vendor: Shoak

Zone: Nazmir

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Tobias [Tobias]

World Event: Secrets of Azeroth

Achievement: [Community Rumor Mill]

Category: Dragon Isles

Wicked Lurker [Wicked Lurker]

Drop: Amalgamation of Flesh [50]

Zone: Uldum

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-24 of 24
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