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Belly Slide

Belly Slide

50% Hit Chance 


Deals 788 Elemental damage.


This attack goes first if the weather is a Blizzard.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter


1-4 of 4
Used By:
Feasting Larva [Feasting Larva]

Drop: Smorgas the Feaster [61]

Zone: Maldraxxus

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Mr. Chilly [Unhatched Mr. Chilly]

Promotion: Wow/ Account Merger

Pengu [Nurtured Penguin Egg]

Vendor: Sairuk

Zone: Dragonblight

Faction: The Kalu'ak - Exalted

Cost: 12gold (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Tanaika

Zone: Howling Fjord

Faction: The Kalu'ak - Exalted

Cost: 12gold (unlimited supply)

Tundra Penguin

Pet Battle: [20-22] Borean Tundra; [22-23] Dragonblight

1-4 of 4
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