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Blazing Yip

Blazing Yip

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Beast damage and reduces the target's next attack by 25%. Lasts 1 round.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying


1-6 of 6
Used By:
Blazehound [Smoldering Treat]

Drop: Shannox [??+]

Zone: Firelands

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Corgi Pup [Corgi Pup]

World Event: WoW's Anniversary

Zone: Caverns of Time

Vendor: Historian Ma'di

Cost: 200Timewarped Badge (unlimited supply)

Corgnelius [Corgnelius]

Order Hall Mission: It's so FLUFFY!

Zone: Class Order Hall

Molten Corgi [Molten Corgi]

Achievement: WoW's 10th Anniversary

Category: Feats of Strength

Tinder Pup [Tinder Pup]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-6 of 6
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