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Wyrmlings: WoW Battle Pets

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Arcane Gorger

Pet Battle: [25] Eredath

Felcrazed Wyrm

Pet Battle: [25] Eredath

Karazhan Syphoner [Karazhan Syphoner]

World Event: Burning Crusade Timewalking

Vendor: Cupri

Zone: Shattrath City

Cost: 2200Timewarped Badge (unlimited supply)

Mana Wyrmling [Mana Wyrmling]

Vendor: Dealer Rashaad

Zone: Netherstorm

Cost: 40gold (unlimited supply)

Shimmering Wyrmling [Shimmering Wyrmling]

Vendor: Hiren Loresong (Alliance) / Vasarin Redmorn (Horde)

Zone: Icecrown

Faction: The Silver Covenant - Exalted (unlimited supply)

Cost: 40Champion's Seal

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