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Books: WoW Battle Pets

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Animated Tome [Animated Tome]

Drop: Scrivener Lenua [61]

Zone: Revendreth

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Court Scribe [Court Scribe]

Vendor: Veridis Fallon

Zone: Azsuna

Faction: Court of Farondis - Revered

Cost: 500gold (unlimited supply)

Elmer [Elmer]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Gusting Grimoire [Gusting Grimoire]

Trading Card Game: Betrayal of the Guardian

Pallibrius [Pallibrius]

Quest: A Scholar's Pet [60]

Zone: Valdrakken

Snoots [Snoots]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Troubled Tome [Troubled Tome]

Vendor: Patchu

Zone: The Azure Span

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

TIP: Even the Disgusting Oozeling needs love. If you have an oozeling, be sure to give it a hug. NOTE: is not responsible for any toxicological health problems caused by contact with said oozeling.
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