Miscellaneous Humanoid: WoW Battle Pets

World Event: Children's Week
Quest: Back To The Orphanage [10]

World Event: Children's Week
Quest: Back To The Orphanage [10]

Quest: Dredging up an Assistant [60]
Zone: Revendreth
Covenant: Venthyr
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court (tier 2)

Zone: Torghast (Adamant Vaults)
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Vendor: Granpap Whiskers, Cataloger Jakes
Zone: The Waking Shores
Faction: Dragonscale Expedition (Renown Eleven)
Cost: 3 5
(unlimited supply)
Quest: The Basecamp 'Pets' [60]
Zone: The Waking Shores
Faction: Â Dragonscale Expedition (Renown Eleven)

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Drop: Snow Mound
Zone: Frostfire Ridge
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 20

Achievement: The Jailer's Gauntlet: Layer 1
Category: Torghast

Drop: Assuming Scholar [60+], Ardent Warrior [60+]
Zone: Bastion
Covenant: Kyrian
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Profession: Draenor Mining
Drop: Goren Protector
Zone: Frostfire Ridge, Frostwall, Gorgrond, Lunarfall, Nagrand (Draenor), Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor), Spires of Arak, Talador
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 500

Promotion: Razer + WoW 20th Anniversary

Vendor: Zeleskos
Zone: Bastion
Covenant: Kyrian
Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 2)
Requires Achievement: Inside the Park Home Run

Vendor: Valdemar Stormseeker
Zone: Stormheim
Faction: Valarjar - Revered
Cost: 500 (unlimited supply)

Vendor: Paul North
Zone: Orgrimmar
Faction: Brawler's Guild - Rank 3
Cost: 500 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Quackenbush
Zone: Stormwind City
Faction: Brawler's Guild - Rank 3
Cost: 500 (unlimited supply)

Drop: The Many-Faced Devourer [45]
Zone: Antoran Wastes