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Owls: WoW Battle Pets

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Crested Owl

Pet Battle: [1-2] Teldrassil

Darkshore Sentinel [Darkshore Sentinel]

Drop: Burninator Mark V [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Drop: Athil Dewfire [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Fledgling Warden Owl [Fledgling Warden Owl]

Vendor: Marin Bladewing

Zone: Azsuna

Faction: The Wardens - Revered

Cost: 500gold (unlimited supply)

Great Horned Owl [Great Horned Owl]

Vendor: Shylenai

Zone: Darnassus

Cost: 50silver (unlimited supply)

Hawk Owl [Hawk Owl]

Vendor: Shylenai

Zone: Teldrassil

Cost: 50silver (unlimited supply)

Long-Eared Owl

Pet Battle: [25] Stormheim; [25] Highmountain

Nightwatch Swooper [Nightwatch Swooper]

Vendor: Draemus

Zone: Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Cost: 100Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Nightwreathed Watcher [Nightwreathed Watcher]

Drop: Nightwreathed Egg after 5 days

Contains: 1 in 1 options


Drop: Orwell Stevenson [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Drop: Grimhorn [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Northern Hawk Owl

Pet Battle: [25] Highmountain

Pygmy Owl [Pygmy Owl]

Drop: Gorebeak [10-45]

Zone: Val'sharah

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Snowy Owl

Pet Battle: [17-18] Winterspring

Season: Winter

Swoopy [Swoopy]

Promotion: 6-Month WoW Subscription (2024)


Bnet Shop: Classic

Watcher of the Huntress [Watcher of the Huntress]

Promotion: Support a Streamer on Twitch

TIP: Even the Disgusting Oozeling needs love. If you have an oozeling, be sure to give it a hug. NOTE: is not responsible for any toxicological health problems caused by contact with said oozeling.
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