Guardian Cub

Guardian Cub
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Sniffs the air, looks about, spreads its wings and yawns, rears up on its hind legs, does a back flip while idle in flight.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.2.2 | Posted: November 1, 2011
The Guardian Cub is a mini-pet version of the Winged Guardian.
This pet was purchasable from the Blizzard Store, however it was retired in 2014
The Guardian Cub was a very unique store pet. It was account-bound for the first 24 hours after purchasing it, and players could only sell/trade the Blizzard Store item after the 24 hours was up.
Although it's no longer available in the Blizzard Store, players can still occasionally find this pet for sale on the in-game Auction House. The 24 hour trading restriction no longer applies.
This pet was purchasable from the Blizzard Store, however it was retired in 2014
The Guardian Cub was a very unique store pet. It was account-bound for the first 24 hours after purchasing it, and players could only sell/trade the Blizzard Store item after the 24 hours was up.
Although it's no longer available in the Blizzard Store, players can still occasionally find this pet for sale on the in-game Auction House. The 24 hour trading restriction no longer applies.
Level 0:

Probably not the best pet battler out there but so cute. Some of the best animations I've seen with the pets. Paid an abnoxious sum for this guy in the AH but one of my faves to have out as I travel around.
I'm so happy I kept him, one look at him swatting butterflies and his big doofy grin melts my hearts.
Only one available on the Auction House on Alexstrasza...85,000 gold...that's allot.
I got on here and was kind of freaking out because the last guy said this was discontinued in June 2014, but I just searched my AH and got one for 13.5k. He's also already level 12, so I'm pretty happy with that.
The Guardian Cub was discontinued in June 2014. The pet was made account-bound, so if you get your hands on one, it will be available to your alts as well. I like having this fellow out when I ride my Winged Guardian.
When it was first removed from the Pet Store, the item was selling on Warsong-US for 10K. I rarely see it at auction for less than 15-20K now, and it will continue to go up as they get rarer, so if you see one for less than 20K, buy it. It is cageable, too, so if you get desperate for gold, you can likely sell it after a while for more than you paid.
But you'd have to be pretty desperate, because this fellow is fun to have around.
Late night AH browse to see if I can find a good deal on any of the few pets I don't have... and I came across this guy. Wasn't familiar with it originally and saw the post about him no longer being available in pet store so I scooped him up right away. 2,500g is all it cost me, think I got myself a steal for once!
"the Guardian Cub is a single-use item, so players will need to purchase one cub for each character they wish to give the companion. "
Is this account-wide?
" can confirm that this is now an account-wide pet; I can see and use it on other characters than the one it was "bound" to."
Account-wide even after 24 hrs and you can put it in a cage again (after >24 hours)?
yes, removed a month or two ago, currently avail only through trade or ah, value around 15kish
I am not seeing this pet in the store. Has it been removed?
Get him while you can because he's TOTALLY worth it. He's so cute-especially when he chases butterflies. And if you get the Winged Guardian mount they just look spectacular together!
I love this little guy! Cuteness + power = total win! I named him Falkor after the flying dog-ish creature from Neverending Story because that's immediately what I thought of when I first saw his picture on the website. <3
Originally, I wasn't a fan of this pet, but he isn't too shabby in a battle! And at least the Guardian Cub doesn't look as goofy as the Quilen Cub.
It is that time of year-- I named this utterly adorable little guy Moonraiser, after the winged lion King of the Isle of Misfit Toys (Rudolph, anyone?)! : > Kind of a big name for such tiny shoulders, but I think he can handle it! So glad he turned out to be account wide.
I bought one today (12/12/12). I can confirm that this is now an account-wide pet; I can see and use it on other characters than the one it was "bound" to. I can also right-click it and "Put In Cage", though we'll see if I still can after 24 hours.
This little guy is on sale in the Blizzard store for $5, probably just for the week.
This is my favorite pet by far. Roar then Reckless Strike. Usually the fight is about about over.
He does make a little sound when you click on him as well!
Tells me to visit dun morogh, so I go to dun morogh then it tells me to visit karazan. I have no idea where that is.