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Gulls and Ravens: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Flying Gulls and Ravens
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Albatross Chick

Pet Battle: [25] Stormheim; [25] Azsuna

Albino Duskwatcher [Albino Duskwatcher]

Vendor: Captain Klarisa

Zone: Tiragarde Sound

Cost: 200Seafarer's Dubloon (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Captain Zen'taga

Zone: Zuldazar

Cost: 200Seafarer's Dubloon (unlimited supply)


Pet Battle: [1-10] Darkmoon Island

Gilnean Raven

Vendor: Will Larsons (Worgen only)

Zone: Darkshore

Cost: 50silver (supply of 1)

Great Sea Albatross

Pet Battle: [25] Nazjatar

Rustberg Gull [Rustberg Gull]

Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie

Zone: Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Baradin's Wardens - Honored

Cost: 50Tol Barad Commendation (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Pogg

Zone: Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Hellscream's Reach - Honored

Cost: 50Tol Barad Commendation (unlimited supply)

Sandy Petrel

Pet Battle: [23-25] The Jade Forest

Sea Gull

Pet Battle: [1-10] Darkmoon Island; [13-14] Tanaris; [23-25] Krasarang Wilds; [23-25] Frostwall; [25] Talador

Shadefeather Hatchling [Shadefeather Hatchling]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

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