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Hippos: WoW Battle Pets

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Albino River Calf [Indentured Albino River Calf]

Vendor: Mimi Wizzlebub

Zone: Warspear

Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered

Cost: 1000gold 2000Apexis Crystal (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Gazrix Gearlock

Zone: Stormshield

Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered

Cost: 1000gold 2000Apexis Crystal (unlimited supply)

Flat-Tooth Calf

Pet Battle: [25] Talador

Mudback Calf

Pet Battle: [25] Gorgrond

Periwinkle Calf [Periwinkle Calf]

Drop: Fel-Touched Pet Supplies

Zone: Tanaan Jungle [40]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

River Calf [River Calf]

Vendor: Draemus

Zone: Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

TIP: When you browse pets by family, not all pets include an item. Those that do not are typically wild pets obtained through pet battling.
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