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Today at 8:26am | Bronzebeard-eu | Pets: 1264 Compare collections | Score: 9946

Explore Letstrack for the best GPS trackers and Bluetooth trackers available online. Our state-of-the-art technology provides unparalleled accuracy and convenience, perfect for tracking cars,bike, pets, and more. Buy now at Letstrack for a reliable solution that keeps you connected and visible.

Today at 3:07am | Realm unavailable | Pets: 0 Compare collections | Score: 0

Some tips for capturing those rare skinned pets. Two to go for me.


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Yesterday at 5:30am | Dath'Remar-us | Pets: 1863 Compare collections | Score: 14867

Found an Acid-Drenched Rat yesterday just after the server restart and nabbed a few other pets, too.  It's been a while since I've gotten more than 1 new pet.  Happy days!


In progress/waiting for: Perpetually on the hunt for my white whale, the Spineclaw Crab.  



Spineclaw Crab


* Phoenix Wishwing

Knockoff Blingtron

Frosty and other CE pets

* Alliance pets that I don't have (preferably ones Horde characters can use!)

* Particularly looking for uncollected Island Expedition pets right now!

* Anything I don't have (seriously, anything) - I'm collecting them all!


~*~ Repetitive stuff (stats and recents, etc.) moved to bio. ~*~ 

5 days ago at 1:40pm | Black Dragonflight-us | Pets: 1749 Compare collections | Score: 13992

After hours of hunting I have gotten all three color variants of Hemospore :D


I only saw blue for a while and then suddenly got black and then red back to back so that was awesome ;w;


I've been working on leveling my alt via my remaining rares I need in Khaz Algar, but I only need the sparse ones like Skittish Sniffler so it's been rough haha

5 days ago at 12:34pm | Arthas-us | Pets: 634 Compare collections | Score: 4174
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