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Zandjil's Profile

Username: Zandjil Site MVP  
Character: Zandjil (A)
Realm & Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#1)
Connected Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#1)
Pets Collected: 1909/1925
Pets Rated: 1903/1944 — Appearance
1871/1912 — Battle
Joined: March 04, 2008
Last Online: Today
Community: Comments (4)
Forum Posts (3)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Zandjil

Zandjil Says: 

Whoever made the red pandas cosplaying as little druids, is a genius! They are absolutely adorable! Napps Fol'ya Pup

Posted Nov 13, 2023 at 7:30am

Zandjil's Collection:  View Zandjil's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  100.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Zandjil:


#188 Warbot

#187 Darkmoon Tonk

#186 Darkmoon Zeppelin

#185 Soul of the Aspects

#184 Lunar Lantern

#183 Darkmoon Cub

#182 Lil' Tarecgosa

#181 Guardian Cub

#180 Murkablo

#179 Feline Familiar

#178 Creepy Crate

#177 Pterrordax Hatchling

#176 Clockwork Gnome

#175 Searing Scorchling

#174 Voodoo Figurine

#173 Crimson Lasher

#172 Hyjal Bear Cub

#171 Gold Mini Jouster

#170 Alliance Baloon

#169 Celestial Dragon

#168 Brilliant Kaliri

#167 Nuts

#166 Rustberg Seagull

#165 Pebble

#164 Dark Phoenix Hatchling

#163 Cenarion Hatchling

#162 Landro's Lichling

#161 Landro's Lil' XT

#160 Personal World Destroyer

#159 Magic Lamp

#158 Lashtail Hatchling

#157 Snail Shell

#156 Legs

#155 Curious Wolvar Pup

#154 Winterspring Cub

#153 Panther Cub

#152 Enchanted Lantern

#151 Fox Kit

#150 Tiny Shale Spider

#149 Armadillo Pup

#148 Mr. Grubbs

#147 Guild Herald

#146 Guild Page

#145 De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion

#144 Elementium Geode

#143 Tiny Flamefly

#142 Lil' Deathwing

#141 Blue Mini Jouster

#140 Mr. Grubbs

#139 Singing Sunflower

#138 Moonkin Hatchling

#137 Lil' Ragnaros

#136 Withers

#135 Deathy

#134 Perky

#133 Mini Thor

#132 Frigid Frostling

#131 Lil' XT

#130 Pet Bombling

#129 Lil' Smoky

#128 Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot

#127 Wind Rider Cub

#126 Gryphon Hatchling

#125 Core Hound Pup

#124 Calico Cat

#123 Albino Snake

#122 Plump Turkey

#121 Onyxian Whelpling

#120 Pandaren Monk

#119 Lil' K.T.

#118 Gundrak Hatchling

#117 Mr. Chilly

#116 Sinister Squashling

#115 Deviate Hatchling

#114 Razzashi Hatchling

#113 Grunty

#112 Pint-Sized Pink Elekk

#111 Razormaw Hatchling

#110 Darting Hatchling

#109 Ravasaur Hatchling

#108 Leaping Hatchling

#107 Toothy

#106 Shimmering Wyrmling

#105 Curious Oracle Hatchling

#104 Obsidian Hatchling

#103 Sen'jin Fetish

#102 Durotar Scorpion

#101 Mulgore Hatchling

#100 Ammen Vale Lashling

#99 Tirisfal Batling

#98 Enchanted Broom

#97 Elwynn Lamb

#96 Teldrassil Sproutling

#95 Dun Morogh Cub

#94 Hyacinth Macaw

#93 Mechanopeep

#92 Giant Sewer Rat

#91 Willy

#90 Murkbreath

#89 Whiskers the Rat

#88 Argent Squire

#87 Strand Crawler




#1 Dark Whelpling - Bought at lvl 39 for the money I was supposed to buy my mount for, but I've loved it ever since


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