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Flibbit's Profile

Username: Flibbit Site MVP  
Character: Flibbit (A)
Realm & Rank: Scarlet Crusade-us (#1)
Connected Rank: Scarlet Crusade-us (#1)
Pets Collected: 1922/1934
Pets Rated: 0/1944 — Appearance
0/1912 — Battle
Joined: October 04, 2010
Last Online: 5 days ago
Community: Comments (21)
Forum Posts (48)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Flibbit

Flibbit Says: 

In my first 18 years playing WoW, I only missed one limited-time pet, which I was unbelievably lucky to later get on the BMAH. I played Dragonflight for the first 2 months when it came out, but then life intervened, and I missed nearly all of 2023, and with it, 3 pets. I should be able to get two at a later date (Arfus and Lil' Maggz), but Baa'lial is probably the first US WoW pet I'll never be able to get.


Right now there are 10 other pets left for me to collect - 3 of which I expect to get in the next 10 days. The others will be a slow crawl. The rest of my efforts will once again be on leveling pets. Glad we have a Super Squirt Day coming up in February!

Posted Jan 25, 2024 at 7:12pm

Flibbit's Collection:  View Flibbit's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  100.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Flibbit:

Flibbit was my very first character when WoW released. She had a few pets right from the start, but collecting as such wasn't an organized thing, and when she got to level 60 I took breaks from the game and restarted on different servers and factions.


Xau was my first real pet collector, topping out somewhere in the 180s around the end of WotLK/launch of Cata. Flibbit was revived around that time and also came down with pet fever, so I was managing collections on both Horde and Alliance. Due to a lot of faction grinds and TCG pets that I wasn't realistically going to repeat, she maxxed out somewhere about 160. Then I took an 18 month break and didn't start Mists until 2/23/13. The new battle pet system came as quite a shock. Pooling all pets upon my return came out to about 190 unique and a zoo of extras. I was utterly addicted - it took me 36 days to go from 190 to 500.


It's now June 2014 and I finally have a complete collection for the first time. I know it won't last, and I haven't leveled them all to 25 yet, but it's a great feeling to have caught up for once.


Very much looking forward to what WoD holds in the realm of pets. I love that the devs are diversifying the sources pets come from, I just hope to never, ever, ever *have* to do pet PvP again - EVER. (Secret: I'm not very good at it).

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