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BlueFlameWolf's Profile

Username: BlueFlameWolf  
Character: Babybluewolf (A)
Realm & Rank: Khaz Modan-us (#12)
Connected Rank: Khaz Modan-us (#46)
Pets Collected: 313/1941
Pets Rated: 0/1944 — Appearance
0/1912 — Battle
Joined: November 13, 2008
Last Online: October 14, 2013
Community: Comments (5)
Forum Posts (7)
Messaging: Enabled Contact BlueFlameWolf

BlueFlameWolf Says: 

finally got me a emerald proto-drake! took forever...but i finally got lucky. logged in an there was one close by (as well as 2 others who were camping for rare ones) an i snagged it. Uncommon quaility. a not 2 seconds later another spawns on the one i just captured lol also uncommon, an just a few feet away, another! common.



I got lucky last night as well. While i was waiting for the emerald, i decided to try my luck in coldarra for the nexus whelp, an found 3! no rares but uncommon, still happy



has anyone else noticed that the new whelps are insainly tiny? the nexus whelp is about half the size of other whelps, an the emerald proto drake is smaller then the red one..



Posted Nov 30, 2012 at 2:59pm

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About BlueFlameWolf:

Hi there! I join WoW shortly after BC came out thanks to my husband. I was instantly hooked on the game, an even more so when my husband gave me my first companion lol one of the little elwynn cats. I loved the feeling of having the little animals fallowing me by my side as i quested, traveled the world etc an soon got into collecting an became obsessed :D



I have many favorites, but my top favs are probably soul of aspect, spectral tiger cub, cinder kitten, an many more lol! Its hard to choose faves with so many adorable companions.



Im also a big fan of the pet battles (i was a big pokemon nerd so i clicked with it instantly) an im always willing to talk pets with anyone or do a trade if its something i still need :D

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