Zapp's Comments
(2) comments by Zapp

Comments by Date (2)
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I have a flying stone that I want to use and level it to 25.
Would a B/B H 1400 P 292 live longer to take out an opponent?
Or should I go for a P/P H1319 P 341 and take it out faster?
Could someone who uses this for PVE answer this plz?
Posted: March 23, 2013 11:16:50 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
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Now that the Raven is equalized, which would be a better pet to stone:
Crow~ P/S H 1400 P 289 S 289
Raven~ B/B H 1481 P 276 S 276
mainly for PvE purposes?