Xpsyded's Comments
(11) comments by Xpsyded

Comments by Date (11)
as of over a year now, this pet is only available to those who have already achieved Rank 3. The arena is listed as closed for renovatios for some time currently looking for workarounds.
I killed storm-touched Pridetalon for 3 hours with no luck. Finally dropped from the Temptest Talon rare. of course I killed him everytime he spawned too. He seems to spawn often, not very rare.
I submitted for this pet. Received confirmation and notice of contact within 48 hours. been almost a week now and havent heard a word. is that normal?
Spent hours fishing in garrison trying to get the very unlucky rock to drop from the special catches that its suppose to drop from. Tried on both alliance and horde toons. It finally dropped from the fishing daily awarded in the garrison fishing daily. almost vended it, whew!
I found a poor version in Maw eye of Oblivion area 40.06, 60.72 who exploded when I was trying to cage him. Later came across a rare one in same area that I successfully caged. Not all are equiped with the explode trait.
Terrible drop rate, 30+ kills and still no drop.
Easy fight,10 sec tops! 2 nexus whelping and one leveling pet of at least 800 HP.
open with nexus whelping, Arcane Storm, mana surge, watch them melt. swap lvling pet in and out between to whelpings.
Just happened upon a snow storm in the Peaks today. One thing someone said earlier that did not seem true was that it only snows in certain regions of the peaks. I found it snowing in both the hills and the plains. Managed to score two rares. While flying overhead I could not tell it was snowing. After I landed, I could see the snowfall and it was snowing hard. If your flying around looking for a snowfall you might not notice it, so look for spawned Arctic Fox Kits instead, they'll be plentiful.
IMHO- Clearly one of the most difficult battle pets to find in rare form in Duskwood! Not an abundance available to search among and have yet to find a rare after hours of searching on two different realms. {update}-Finally found a rare after two days, two realms, and many hours. He was the secondary pet to a mouse.
The counter said 777 kills when it dropped for me. But I probably made another 5-600 kills before I started counting. Glad that one is in the bag. time to move on to the next misserable rare whelp!
Dropped today after 270 tries on multiple toons