Winnowe's Comments
(2) comments by Winnowe

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Vale Flitter
This pet has the same moves as the Skywisp, Crimsonwing, and Cerulean moths, but adds P/P and H/P breeds. I didn't have any of those others leveled up (or captured), and since this one starts at 23, I decided to nab a P/P version. We'll see how it plays. :)
Posted: May 18, 2017 7:05:00 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
This pet made short work of No-No. Quills first turn, evanescence to dodge dive, apply forboding curse, quills again until he dives, evanescence, forboding curse, kill him with quills. The timers were perfect. Quills buffed by forboding curse, combined with magic type resistance to aquatics and a dodge, may make Enchanted Pen really shine against quite a few aquatic types.