Waterlilly's Comments
(31) comments by Waterlilly

Comments by Date (31)
Dregs is the Necrolords trainee thhat will find objects for you. He says "Dug up some parts, look"
This pet is found in an egg listed as a treasure up on a log. Easy to get to once you get up the hill in Glitterfall Heights. You will see it on your map. Once you get to above it just go down the log toward the water it is in a large nest.
Though it may change at SL launch, it is in Maldraxxus in an area called the "Forgotten Wounds" You go to the area for a quest, and you will see a Treasure on the map. It looks like a void vine. Once you pull on it you go back and there is an egg on the ground. Pick it up and in 3 days it hatches.
Got mine in Uldum today. Fished about 20 times or so.
N'achala The Egg Thief spawned for me in the Feeding Grounds at 1:00am EST (10:00pm PST) on Moon Guard.
Pet seems to be 100% drop, but you can only loot the pet one time.
He has been Hotfixed apparently and will now shrink when the fully decked out Uuna is near him.
Found a bunch yesterday while along the shore in Tiragard Sound, poor quality, but there.
Got mine tonight. Happy! My guildies think I am crazy for talking so much about how much I wanted him, one guildie loaned me 450,000 gold to help get him :)
My pet is Rare, but is showing on here as common, I don't have any common pets, including him. I know we had to manually add him, but is there a way to change him to what I have him as now, Rare?
The Shaman Trial 100 no longer works, I think they made it so you have to lvl a toon to 100.
I have 15 of the Ultimate (lvl 25) stones, and trade in the Flawless Family stones for the Marked Flawless, now I am buying the bags with the Family Battle Stones. I only use the lvl 25 on lvl 1 pets. Any pets I have lvl 10+ I battle to get them to 22/23 then use the Family Stones to get them to lvl 25.
With 4 toons that have daily instant WQ complete, makes collecting charms and stones easy :)
So this is interesting. I get this pet every other week running Firelands, no biggie, but it dropped from an armor cache that I got as a follower bonus reward...I thought it only gave equipment for followers, didn't know they dropped pets! I am thinking it may be a fluke?
While I was out questing on the Beta, I came across a pet tamer. You could interact with him but he didn't offer any battles, so they are there...Looking forward to testing this out when it is released in Beta! I didn't see any of the tamers on the Alpha.
Those are good...lol
I could actually see the Bio Mechanical and Dark Magic familes, becasue they would fit with what is in game already, but the others, not so much. Though the "Nekkid Humanoid" family would fit in well over on Moon Guard lol :)
After a couple fights I got an uncommon then left. The good thing is that when you are fighting the elites, these pets are unkillable, so there is no chance you will accidently kill one if it is too close to the mob your fighting.
My suggestion if you go and don't wanna keep battling the elites waiting for a rare to spawn, I would say do a couple battles to get the best quality you can or until you find the breed you want, but then leave. You can easily stone it.
Took me about 7 runs to get this little guy to finally drop for me. Glad it was off Icehowl so I could just run in kill and try for pet without having to go further.
I did find that he seems to drop off 25 Heroic, was a lot harder to get him on the 10 and 25 regular, but the day I changed it to 25 Heroic, boom he dropped.
Finally got this little guy...with so many people looking for him it was hard to kill/loot then run to the spot where he spawned trying to beat others there...
But, I got him and have all 4, theya re pretty powerful little guys.
I wasn't lucky to get this pet running the event dungeon, but it was on the AH for 5k and it was a bargain since others were over 15k.
I have it in my pet log and have summned it to lvl it up a bit. I logged out of the game for the night and wanted to upsate my collection on here, but it isn't importing from the armory, and the armory doesn't show me having this guy but I do have him, and he is currently summoned pet. Site won let me manually add him to my collection.
Got lucky with this guy, was just running around leveing my lowbie pets during the pet battle week, and came across this guy. Was poor quality, but a few battles previous I got a Flawless Flying stone, so BOOM, upgraded to Rare quality.
Got lucky with the Sapphire Firefly the other day while leveling pets too. Glad I got these two finally.
Just got the Ohuna Companion from the 2nd hunt spoils reward of the three I did...Sad that these are 1/1 but a pet is a pet lol