Vesper's Comments
(5) comments by Vesper

Comments by Date (5)
Gosh this one was tough! I left alt parked there for 2 weeks and never saw a singele one. This monday I checked it at about 10:40 am server time, and ti my surprise there it was! Right at the very north, next to entrance to Argent Grounds. I was so excited, and didn't care if it was just a poor quality pet. At least I can leave the dreadful place and wait untill the Stones come out, so I can update the little guy. To all of you hunters out there - be patient, the whelpling will be yours!
Went there first time, there were another 5 people hovering around. I stood close to the beach, close to the big turtle wandering on the left from the statue. People seem to concentrate on the central area, so I thought I will try the side. And it proved lucky as one green paw appeared 5 yards away from me. It was poor, but I am still happy :)
Found this pet as rare secondary pet when battling Jungle Grub in Krasarang Wilds.
Came here in the morning, around 7:30 server time, near the pool. There were plenty of them and I started with Common one, then Uncommon, which I captured. Had some free time before heading to work so thought I will try my luck and see if I can get a rare one. Found one on 6th try. After reading comments how rare they are I feel pretty happy now :D Happy hunting!
Open water fishing at the small lake next to Niuzao Temple worked for me. (Fishing skill was at 727). Took <200 casts in duration of split fishing over two days. Good luck everyone.