Urrca's Comments
(4) comments by Urrca

Comments by Date (4)
Pet is adorable, quest was fun, I wish there were more of these. Took thirty minutes max. It's a bit tricky to figure out initially, click the little balls of light, they'll shoot into the right corner and count toward your plant juice bar. Set it up kind of like you would a chess or a checkers board. Use stronger pieces to protect weaker ones. Like everyone else said, get your two rows of sunflowers, in back, to make you more plant juice.
Spawn rate is really slow, I parked an alt there and checked it 5 or six times over the course of several days before I found the rare. It's easy farming though, even my level 60 druid was one shotting the mobs. Definitely park a toon if you want the rare, so much less hassle.
Someone else mentioned they captured their silithid from a sandstorm at 2am, same time frame with mine (today is now technically Friday), if that's worth anything. Spawn rates were quick, like others mentioned, and I found a rare within 10 minutes.
Shout out to Thomas who posted this video,
Thanks my dude, easiest rare pet of my life. Spent a tough 5 minutes getting this bad boy.