Tovadaun's Comments
(4) comments by Tovadaun

Comments by Date (4)
Just got mine on Hydraxis. Over a year of camping or checking back. He's Poor quality and a P/S build.
*dances* That's what battle-stones are for ;)
Got mine today, about 915amCST on the Oceanic Caelestrasz (a realm I've been a part of for several years). Used the macro for TomTom that Wowhead has up (3part). Found her in Howling Fjord, above the lake town (don't remember coords, sorry, was too excited!). She's Common, and I'm headed off to farm up a stone to upgrade her now!
So Happy! *dances*
Best of luck to those still on the Hunt!
Found my lvl6 rare around 9:30pm CST - Hydraxis, at 36, 5. Was the second one i battled, w a squirrel as a second. First was a common around 9:15pm. There are many of them out now, so I don't buy 'they are only up in daylight'. I've watched the 2 I took out respawn already. Used a lvl5 rare Fluxfire Feline, and made sure not to hit it too hard! Cute lil' devil ;)
A lot of these in Spires of Arak. lvl22-25, and both in blue and green/black skins. I found several rares in two breeds, though the P/S was the most uncommon breed I found at only one. I farmed them as seconds for about 3 hours on Malfurion/Trollbane around 1-4am while looking for other breeds of pets I was after.