Tandy's Comments
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I found him at 79.8 69.6. After you kill the matriarch, turn around and run back up the hill. You have to jump down on some rocks that are above the beach but below where the area where most of them spawn.
Found at 47.07, 10.53, just up the slope from where you kill the matriarch.
I had to kill the matriarch about 6 times to get the hatchling. I can confirm that you can have the quest finished, then come back later to kill her again and pick it up. That's what I had to do.
Interestingly enough, I still have all the stack of 5 food, after feeding it to capture it.
Not sure what the timer on the quests are - 24 hours or reset I am guessing, since both hatchlings I got today gave me 1 quest, then said they were too tired and fell over asleep.
If anyone needs one of these pets, I'm happy to make them. My engineer is Tormentia / Kul Tiras / US. My Pet Peeves toon is Minxxi / Madoran. Tormentia is Horde but I can also transfer them to my Alliance toon, Taraweeble. Normally I have all the mats, except maybe the trillium bars. I can be messaged here or ingame.
Not too long ago I read dev comments about needing to make pet battles a bit easier for newcomers. While I understand the problem with the howl bomb, the combination of the change to that and the movement of Pandaren Water Spirit's Geyser/Whirlpool to the same slot is going to make the Celestial Tournament extremely difficult for those people. The use of Geyser and Whirlpool together has long been key to winning what is a very difficult fight. New people may find that tournament next to impossible with these changes, leaving them without one of the best pets in the game.
Rarely do I rave about a pet but Baby Winston is just so adorable I want to reach through the screen and hug him. His animations are cute, he looks like a little brainiac, and he's a pretty decent little fighter. If I never play Overwatch he was still worth every penny I spent on the game.
@Dirkie - I have gotten this mission twice on the same toon.
I encountered a P/P today. It was grey, but definitely P/P.
Edit: After months I finally got a blue HH.Thanks to Anaxhema for the reminder on how to get the one in the rock. That one was a rare today.
The Location tab says it's only found as an added pet. That's not true. There are a couple that can frequently be found as a primary, near the Destiny Point portal.