Stevehansell's Comments
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Anyone on Argent Dawn EU (Horde side) want to help me with defeating Mua' kin? I'm having trouble soloing. (Done now)
This is a ridiculous amount of gold to expect people to pay for a new pet. I agree with some of the comments I have read. I would pay 1 million for Murky or Mini Tyreal because they are actually worth that. What your getting here is a reskinned river calf which hasn't even got a unique name, for that amount I would at least expect it to have a name. Yes I have the gold right now to pay for it, but no, I will not pay this extortionate amount. The reason I do have 1 million right now is because I am patiently waiting for the Dirges cooking recipe to fall on the AH again. Another item I would gladly pay that amount of gold for because it is unobtainable. Although I have seen it go for around 700 to 800k before.
Back after a long while. This time I'm quite interested in collecting Murloc pets. Obviously any that are easily obtainable.