Sleipodin's Comments
(3) comments by Sleipodin

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Crow
I can confirm rares on both Glowfly and Crow. Damn near made me cross-eyed trying to get them!
You best spawn points are:
a) the ridge on the east side of the island - start at the spawn behind the portal and work your way southeast on the ridge
b) west/below the east ridge - three spawns between the tents and the ridge
There are two more spawns on the west side of the island (one south corner, one just west of the north tent), then one on the northwest ridge.
Happy hunting!
Posted: December 04, 2012 12:39:23 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
Re: Grotto Vole
Found 4 today in the Hyjal Barrow Dens, entrance to the cave just east of Ruins of Lar'donir (where you first meet Alysra). You can see "underground" green paw icons from the northwest side of Nordrassil.
Posted: November 28, 2012 12:22:54 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
1-3 of 3
Completing the quest Ace In The Hole unphases Andorhal. This is the long quest chain that starts in The Bulwark and sends you to a few farms and outposts in Western Plaguelands.