Sleighher's Comments
(7) comments by Sleighher

Comments by Date (7)
Can't we just stop this already? I mean I don't mind earning in game but now we are beyond watching streamers for hours now go buy this or that come on Blizzard.
Great job Activision !! You have managed to take another group of people completly off the list of potential customers who enjoy the game for different content. This RNG is absurd. Less then 1% drop rate on a pet come on.
I think I have to agree I have been able to find one of the items in seconds on 5 toons but cannot find the other one on any of them. It may be limited to 1 item.
So if you didn't get to log in during this time you can't get the kite?
Is this pet still possible to get? If so do any guilds still take invites ? Thank you.
I logged in during this event but I noticed I dont have this pet. How do I find out why its not in my pet collection?
wow already sold out in USA.