Seleck's Comments
(21) comments by Seleck
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Additional Comments by Date (20)
Signed onto one of my alts on Blackwater Raiders at around 8:10pm, and there, just north of the Toxic Airfield, was one FF. Not only was it the only one, but it was a rare. I engaged it with my Cinder Kitten, and I ended up killing it. I had a two second heart attack...and then it came back to life. Thank the Lord for mechanical pets, lol.
I would recommend checking outside of Gnomeregan. Few people camp that area, from what I've seen. Good luck!
12:30am on Shadowmoon, I found one of these on the south-eastern side, just barely inside the dome. It was the only one I found. Poor quality, but I'm not being picky at this point.
EDIT: After months of camping the island for this pet and only seeing it rain twice on the island (of the times I checked), I FINALLY got this pet at around 12:45am on Shadowmoon. He's just a common, but I'm not complaining.
None outside Gnomeregan that I can see. Went inside, like other commenters had said, and at about 3:30am, I saw none. Left my character there, logged back in around 5:45pm, and there were about six, no rares. Still, an uncommon is better than none.
Got this one at the Seat Of The Chosen as a secondary pet to Carrion Rat.
At exactly 5pm, I saw these spawn in the center lava pools. Not many, though. Wonder if this is meant to be a rare one?
Finally found this after going through many pets in Northern Stranglethorn. It was tacked on to a Polly. Good luck!
This is honestly one of the coolest pets I've seen. Thanks to my future BIL for making it for me.
I found mine using this map (originally posted by 0010101):
Keep in mind that when I was there (at about 5:30pm), there was only ONE there. There's always a chance someone else had grabbed others before I got there, but I'm mentioning it nonetheless.
By far my favorite whelpling design. I had been to Icecrown multiple times before finding him. Not sure if it's supposed to be rare or not, but I did find him around 5:15pm with only two others flying around. Good luck!
Like Poundcake, I also caught this little guy when fighting another pet (a stripe-tailed scorpion). I've never seen one otherwise. I actually laughed, because while flying around Tanaris looking for the Sand Kitten, I just happened to fight the scorpion. And lo and behold, there was my kitten.
Finally got this little guy! Found him walking with a group of giraffes at around 2:30am in the south-eastern part of the map. Hope that helps, and good luck!
EDIT: After less than two days of working on this achievement, I have my pet. Definitely not as difficult as I thought it'd be! A nice mix of traveling the circuit and camping, and bam, there it was. He's my new favorite and I'm glad I finally have him.
I couldn't tell you how many mobs I killed, but there is a spot where the dragonkins and orcs are battling it out and respawning constantly. Best place to sit and AOE. Boring but efficient.
Edit: Up to 1369 kills (not including however many before using Bunny Hunter), and still no drop. Grrr..
A murloc without armor. Obviously my prayers have been answered.