Sapho's Comments
(8) comments by Sapho

Comments by Date (8)
1-8 of 8
I tried what Brianne suggested, and while waiting for respawns went for a fly around, and came across a ton of rats at Writhing Mound (48,67) and got my rare stripe-tailed as a secondary there. Farming bone waste rats would seem to be the way to go :-) Thanks Brianne for the tip!
Posted: January 06, 2013 8:21:03 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Baby Ape
Finally got one after two days camping for hours each day - best tip I read was to put sound on maximum, meant I could do other things while keeping an ear out for rain! Got uncommon on my first try, then a few more uncommon (surrendered to get out of the fight fast) and then a rare! Tome was 18:45 server time, Auchindoun(EU).
Posted: December 14, 2012 2:52:46 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Pebble
Not got this yet as only got the daily once so far.But here's how to do it:to get past the massive gyreworm run after it.You want the 2nd exit right.Then take a right then a left to get to the ledge with Pebble on.The tricky part is getting back out,as if you aren't careful he will despawn while you're trying to pass the gyreworm.There's a small ledge on the way back out.Run over the middle of it where there's a sort of ramp.I paused at the top and again after jumping.Good luck!
Posted: December 13, 2010 3:57:45 PM
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Rating: +1
This gets a lot easier once you realise that flapping your wings both moves you upwards and boosts you in the direction you are facing.So to turn around you need to both turn AND flap.Don't worry about the falling rocks-you can survive 2 or 3 then get a new mount without failing.On the final phase,when you take off from the questgiver,follow the wall to the left and slightly down.There's a big ledge where no rocks fall and where the eggs respawn fast.And yeah,it's a shame we can only get one.
Posted: December 07, 2010 5:10:45 PM
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Rating: +1
Re: Lil' Ragnaros
I have to admit, previous Blizz Store pets had left me a little underwhelmed. I got them for the collection, not for themselves. But this one has completely blown me away! It looks really good - great detail, awesome colouring. The emotes are hilarious. The way it follows you underground and then reappears when you stop just makes it that bit more unusual. This is the first paid-for pet I might actually have out on a regular basis.
Posted: November 30, 2010 3:49:29 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Withers
Bought from vendor? Easy! Will go pick that up quickly. Erm . . . nope :p A real pain to find at least as Horde. At cliffspring on the map there are 2 caves. You want the northern one. The path up to it is marked by torches. However, it looks like an ordinary cave full of low-level grels (this is what confused me at first, I didn't bother to go in). However, a Horde-friendly apothecary is down there! Go right to the bottom and left (south) as another poster has said. Good luck!
Posted: November 24, 2010 6:27:50 AM
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Rating: +2
Having camped this for several days (getting for myself, 2 friends and yes, one to sell) I've found her to be reliably at the end of the 5-8 hour spectrum - to the point where she's almost over 8 hours. Don't know if this is just chance, but if you're checking regularly from the 5 hour mark onwards, don't give up because you haven't got her at 7hrs50mins!
Posted: October 24, 2009 7:48:50 AM
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Rating: -2
1-8 of 8
Storm Peaks 29,51 9:06am Silvermoon EU poor quality (will stone it methinks). This is Skoll's less common spawn point (the very southern tip of Snowdrift Plains)