Sandcrab's Comments
(4) comments by Sandcrab

Comments by Date (4)
Farming rare Crested Owls in Teldrassil and ran across a rare Elfin Rabbit at 66.1, 46.3.
Hope this helps someone.
While looking for a rare Crested Owl, I ran across three Rare Fawn's at the same location, 55.6, 62.5, in Teldrassil. This is just south of the center of Lake Al'Ameth. If only the rare Crested Owl was this easy to find.
Good Luck!
Been after a rare quality pet all day. Decided to take this opertunity to level up all my Rare Level 1 pets to level three while searching for this pet. Well, these are all done and now I'm, leveling my green pets. After over two hundred kills, I've still have yet to see one rare version of this bird, but looking on the bright side, I don't have any level 1 or 2 pets any more.
Update- After 7 hours of farming got a rare @ 63.50, 58.26. Good Luck to you all!
What conditions need to be met before this spawns? It's 5:05 am local 2:05 am server time. There are NO critters anywhere. I was first here with my 112 DK (I've not started Leagon nor am I in War Mode) about 30 min ago and I'm here now on my 90 Hunter, also not in war mode. Again there are NO spawns anywhere, not above or below ground. Are there specific conditions for these and the Arcane Eye to spawn or be visible? This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've been here without seeing any.