Rrrof711's Comments
(8) comments by Rrrof711

Comments by Date (8)
This pet was not spawned and I had to cull all of the pets at the top of the mountain to get it to spawn. Battle pets and regular critters alike and not even a couple minutes later 1 spawned at the very top on the north face. As soon as I hovered my mouse on it the pet landed and let me catch it.
I just got one of these exactly where the other comments said they would be. Mine was an uncommon but these are so hard to find even though they spawn more frequently than the Kingfeather I decided not to farm for more. There were quite a few non-battle critter versions which I had to cull in order for it to spawn a Kingfeather not to mention the rest of the critters on the mountain top
I just got mine after reading the comments here! TYVM!!!! I had just checked the Barber's Shop and the other buildings and I found the dusty rug in the Pet Shop behind the counter as well! I was like "OMG there it is!!!" and I had just been in there! FYI the carpet in the pet shop is HUGE and bright colors. I guess I had seen it in there a few times so it didn't look out of place. I was thinking the rug was going to be small but this thing was a 10 feet in diameter round rug!
I got really really lucky I guess. I started looking for this one just today because I got a Swamplighter Drone as a hunter pet and wanted a battle pet that looked just like it. I have waterflies but they are a different color blue. I looked here for info and dropped a waypoint where the first comment i saw with a waypoint was but found mine after wandering a slightly different direction at 45.58, 62.13 right outside the bonus objective area in Southwestern Spires.
I didn't see Baby Apes even though it was raining. checked for secondaries. No Baby Apes as secondaries. Combat killed the strand crabs and about 2 minutes later Baby Apes! I had just clicked and heard the battle start when it stopped raining and it cancelled my battle so time is very imperative on this pet!!! New info, the Baby Apes do not respawn. Whatever types there are thats it until it rains at a diff time. They can despawn after initial rain and not spawn during the second rain phase.
It's 20 min past midnight server time on area52 and haven't seen any on either side of the cellar. The spawn time is NOT based on server time. It is specifically 12am pacific standard time. so it will be 1:30 mountain, 2am cst and 3 am eastern. These spawn during the availability window and respawn after catching/defeating in battle. Combat killing wasn't necessary. I got a rare H/H after 8 attempts and a rare H/S on the way out of the cavernous area near where I caught a common earlier.
I wonder if the Unborn Val'kyr still ressurects critters because I haven't seen mine do it. do they have to be killed by npc mobs are will it work if you kill the critter? idk but I hope she still does this.
Found mine at 44.16, 59.98 on top of a rock in Oceanus Cove Azsuna.