Rlarry45's Comments
(6) comments by Rlarry45

Comments by Date (6)
Appears in two colour variants, Tan and bright Yellow. Tan appears 90% of the time, Yellow is a 10% chance. As the pet can rarely be a secondary, best advice is the classic get the rarity you want to be a secondary, then keep restarting the battle until it appears in Yellow.
This appears to be the Deepridger of The Ringing Deeps (if you're a colour variant collector...then you know).
So far I've only see the standard colour spawn, and Skittish Sniffler appears to spawn somewhat rarely, possibly sharing spawns with the Pinkskin Burrower (untested).
Won't be actively chasing as I'm not a fan of the design, but will keep an eye out for the rare Pale variant!
Drops from Vraken the Hunter on the Forbidden Reach, roughly 4% dropchance. He seems to have a timer of roughly an hour.
Scruffles is a HUGE battle pet!
A very difficult hunt to collect the alternate skin, akin to shiny hunting pokemon in the old gen games.
Deepridger is a rare spawn of the Slabwings spawning in the South of Zaralek cavern. If you just want the basic pet, clear every Slabwing you see, on average two wipes spawns 1 Ridger. If you want the alternate skin, be prepared for many hours of slaying Slabwings, and be very careful as the alternate skin looks like a Slabwing at a distance. Matches the Catalogued Shalewing Mount!
This one was a pain to collect. The Zskera vaults have 3 possible pets to collect:
Bunbo, Berylmane and Brightfeather.
Each of these has around a 1% chance to drop from any non-primordial cache in the vaults (i.e. everything else openable has a chance of having the pets).
I collected 5 of both Bunbo and Berylmane before Brightfeather dropped from a Burning Cache. Happy to not have to go through those again!
If you're collecting all three skins, best advice is to ensure you keep one of the lambs in your battle party to compare against. The skin chances aren't particularly rare compared to other pets.