Reedwand's Comments
(49) comments by Reedwand
Status Update (1)
Additional Comments by Date (48)
Thank you ever so much for the site and everything that goes into it! Many wishes returned.
Your work here is without question, the pet sold out really quickly so it is not your fault at all that Blizzard were only selling something like 250 codes.
I am saddened that again its US only.
Equally I won't be buying anything just for the digital item, I hope items like this and stuff only available to US will one day appear on the traders post - time will tell.
please read if you're EU and want to buy this from the US store. Don't!!! Learn from my mistake. you won't get a code. You won't get a pet just an overpriced Funko pop.
Something else the new ice murloc had limited stock in the EU. It sold out within a day. I guarantee that whilst it said one per order I know for a fact blizz didn't check. I bought mine from US and I can't even get the code because I didn't ship it to a US address And the EU is not getting any more stock so meh being in the wrong country yet again.
Lurky wasn't linked with gummies, but CE. Interestingly this shares itself with Murky,original murloc at Blizzcon
Gurky,back then there was no Warcraftpets like this great site, 0.0% of the community own this, most EU players didn't spot it.
My point though is that were all here with a common love for warcraft pets, and if I could go out and buy a box of these codes to share EU pets. I would in a heartbeat.
Are there any kind US pet friends that may be willing to help with a code for EU? If so please hit me up. Pity as we can buy these sweets here just not valid. if the opportunity to do the same in return I would in a heart beat.
For Twitch, you need to gift 2 subs to be awarded the pet.
Also a little sad that the trolli pet is only available in the US.
Also for anyone upset about the mouse related pet, try not to worry - I think it will end up on the traders cycle soon enough :)
Amazing news! I just logged in to find a huge amount in my mail, at first I panicked thinking I had done something with my stores! now i can finally buy the bauble for 10k! What a great gift from Blizzard!! <3
Thank you, wishing you the same in return. Thank you for the amazing community and site!
i wish more promotions were available to get the chance to earn this pet!
I am not sure about this guy but would love to see him ingame, the hat looks like it has updated graphics and the pet is old graphically crafted - if that makes sense.
I got a pet a few times but not the manuscript. the pet cant be traded either unfortunately :( pet drop rate without curses 1.1%
What a wonderful little pet! My hubby bought him for me.
The emotes are excellent, he is incredibly strong as well. He does not fly.
As the above user wrote, the summon emote is amazing - poor guy keeps getting dismissed just to get summoned again :D
Do you need to have some parts done before the item from the time walking raid will drop?
It finally dropped, I cleared this pet dungeon every week... and today it finally dropped. There are no words for how happy I am right now, relieved to never have to go back to that dungeon ever again!
My post is certainly not to brag, but to say never give up. It will happen, eventually.
For those that have seen it on BMAH (never seen yet) is it BOE/BOP or BOA?
No responses but I finally found it on BMAH with the help of friends, bought for 525k and its BOP, not cageable. Wanted to share just in case others were seeking the same questions.
If only I had bought one when they were that cheap! Now we're looking at over 2k! I can't justify spending that :( if it was still 800 I would have but there is always hope and love seeing other peoples comments and having theirs out :D I am in the crowd always haha
Edited 11.11.2023: today on my late fathers birthday, Ive scratched and adopted this little one! it took a few years but it finally happened. I love watching him. Happy birthday Daddycool and ty for the luck to get him <3
I am really looking forward to this - this way means I won't need to stash my stones only to use them when the pets are lvl 20+
They can be used straight away!
Will be interesting to see how this impacts super squirt! I could level really quickly with that as well as Ryders WQ in Stormheim during pet week.
If we had a pet treat, does that impact the wild XP from matches as expected?
This dropped for me, in Coldheart Interstitia - Floor 5, from the last boss in the instance, my husband in group did not get it though so not 100% it seems.
Such a wonderful message, thank you so much and this most certainly was a corner of happiness for me and I know many others. Thank you for all you do, and will do. Festive greetings!
It would be difficult to decide what I enjoy most in WoW. For certain raiding and vanity pets share top spot. However there are times that my pet addiction claims top spot, with some sighs from guildies.
I also don’t rush anything in WoW, including my pets. I enjoy the thrill of having a pet, I have wanted and worked hard for, finally drop.
I recently became an owner of the dragon kite, a pet I have covetted for years. I’m in awe that I finally have it!!!!
My next venture is Baa’l but only when I‘ve exhausted a bit more of the pve environment.
My hubby is not nearly as addicted but there’s time still. Besides I love being able to wrap up pets he’s missing as in game Winterveil gifts.