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Penance's Comments

(5) comments by Penance

Status Update (1)

Another surprise pet for me!  Mutt!  I didn't realize there was a potential pet reward for doing jobs in Undermine.  I've just been doing them for fun!


He's so cute!


In progress/waiting for: Perpetually on the hunt for my white whale, the Spineclaw Crab.  



Spineclaw Crab


* Phoenix Wishwing

Knockoff Blingtron

Frosty and other CE pets

* Alliance pets that I don't have (preferably ones Horde characters can use!)

* Particularly looking for uncollected Island Expedition pets right now!

* Anything I don't have (seriously, anything) - I'm collecting them all!


~*~ Repetitive stuff (stats and recents, etc.) moved to bio. ~*~ 

Posted: March 31, 2025 12:31:13 PM

Additional Comments by Date (4)

1-4 of 4

This pet makes no sense. 


The covenant lock isn't ideal, but I can deal with it.  But not to be able to battle or even level my pet without the use of stones?!  Ridiculous.  Why does he even have skills if he can't battle?  It makes no sense.


Beautiful, unique model that I'm happy to have as my companion on my (luckily) main character, but the rest of it takes almost all of the enjoyment out of owning Jiggles.

Posted: February 08, 2021 12:34:09 AM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: +1

Caught mine within 5 minutes of starting at the Shado-Pan Monastary, fishing in Tiger Gourami pools, standing on the ice floes.  


I'd tried one evening before for maybe 10 minutes, before going to bed, so total time invested was maybe 15 minutes, although it was apparently a lucky catch,


My first catch and it caught me off guard since it happened so quickly.


My fishing skill is 889 buffed (fishing rod, hat, special fishing line) but I don't have the Pandaren Fishing Charm on this (my main) character).

Posted: September 12, 2015 12:29:09 AM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: 0

Got mine tonight, fishing in the pool near Niuzao Temple, open water.  I tried fishing in the few redbelly mandarin pools that popped up, too, but no luck there.  Also no luck in the spinefish pools.


I tend to believe the people who say that these don't drop out of spinefish schools, only from the open water near the Temple or there and redbelly mandarin pools.


My fishing skill is 889 buffed (fishing rod, hat, special fishing line) but I don't have the Pandaren Fishing Charm on this (my main) character).

Posted: September 12, 2015 12:23:54 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0

When this drops, it drops on its own, not sealed in a crate.  It's a white text item that says Tiny Blue Carp and then turns blue text when used.


Got mine today from a jewel danio pool on Timeless Isle next to the Celestial Court about 10 minutes after I got the Tiny Red Carp (and the last color I needed).  Beware the ally and horde PvP going on in the area.


My fishing skill is 889 buffed (fishing rod, hat, special fishing line) but I don't have the Pandaren Fishing Charm on this character.

Posted: September 12, 2015 12:16:50 AM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: +1
1-4 of 4
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