Peeardee's Comments
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West of Socrethar's Rise, not east as mentioned in the description here.
It looks like they spawn alongside the Elder Diemetratons. If you don't see any hatchlings around, kill off all the Elders and there is a small chance one will respawn with the big guys. They are fairly uncommon spawns though. Good luck!
Where in Dun Morogh are these? I don't remember seeing them anywhere.
I can't find this guy to save my life! Not a SINGLE one in Swamp of Sorrows today... lots of Water Snakes though. Did they get replaced?
Can anyone confirm capturing one from the Stormwind docks? I slaughtered dozens of them there yesterday, but never got a capturable respawn. I'm wondering if they just can't be caught from that location.
Goodnight, Moon Moon.