Partridge's Comments
(5) comments by Partridge

Comments by Date (5)
1-5 of 5
Played for many years, never got that whelp, tried both Feralas and Swamp of Sorows (in the old days).
Then come patch 5.0.1, account-wide pets. 2nd day, my 37 druid go to Dreamers Rest, get a quest to kill Noxious Whelps. Whelpling drop, and now, instead of grinding 1 whelp, I got 7!!!
My pet #140, btw.
Then come patch 5.0.1, account-wide pets. 2nd day, my 37 druid go to Dreamers Rest, get a quest to kill Noxious Whelps. Whelpling drop, and now, instead of grinding 1 whelp, I got 7!!!
My pet #140, btw.
Posted: August 30, 2012 7:26:19 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
Re: Mr. Grubbs
Got mine today, nice pet.My strategy was this: Get "Fionas Lucky Charm" and then forget the pet. I did the Fiona questline for achievement, and, after that, I only went to Eastern Plagueland when there was a digsite up for afcheology. And every mob that came near this explorer got killed!
After some months, I got the pet, without boring grind. Was my pet number 109.
Posted: April 01, 2011 12:20:39 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Azure Whelpling
My lucky day: First I looted a Disgusting Oozeling in Svamp of Sorrows and then this from a spider in Winterspring, pet number 106 & 107 in one day!And I didn't even know it was moved, just going for the 58 quest achi. Thinking of the tons of hours i spent in Winterspring in the past, getting exalted with Timbermaw Hold and Wintersaber Trainers, it was pure luck I decided to go back to the zone again.
So, dont just grind for pets. Grind for other achievements too, makes it less boring.
Posted: March 07, 2011 5:44:24 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
I feel sorry for those who camped Ungoro for hours or days, as I got it by luck.
Sunday, november 1. I was flying from Gadgetzan, to Cenarion Hold. During flight, I noticed a matriarch in Ungoro. I flew back from Silithus, and she was still there. I killed her.
Guess too many ppl was busy doing Day of the Dead, Strangletorn Fishing or doing things IRL, so I had her for myself for several minutes, no farmers or robots there.
Sunday, november 1. I was flying from Gadgetzan, to Cenarion Hold. During flight, I noticed a matriarch in Ungoro. I flew back from Silithus, and she was still there. I killed her.
Guess too many ppl was busy doing Day of the Dead, Strangletorn Fishing or doing things IRL, so I had her for myself for several minutes, no farmers or robots there.
Posted: November 02, 2009 3:22:37 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
1-5 of 5
Was extremely lucky. This pet dropped from a boss i LFR Throne of Thunder!
Aparently that happens sometimes, and since I until now only lvled allinance chars, I was excited.