Paganthunder's Comments
(6) comments by Paganthunder

Comments by Date (6)
Finally got syd to drop. Then forgot about him when I swapped toons. Had a small panic attack when I could not find him in my list. Did a face plam, swapped back and added him.
Working away at leveling this pet, I love the vocalizations.
With some farming, a trade and a very lucky find on the AH I now have a team of three of these guys.
Named my first Bubba, in honour of the Bruce Campbell movie Bubba Hotep. The next two ended up as Cleatus, and Maynard.
They have been a pretty good PvP team so far.
Still plugging away at this little darling. Keeping my fingers crossed. According to rarity I am only at abouy 650 tries.I am starting to feel sorry for all the bodies I am leaving behind. Almost want to start a new alt with skinning.
Update: at 1700+ and I did infact start a skinning DK to clean up all the poor little bodies.
Woot!! Finally after 8892 attempts and 12:45:17 spent farming I finally got this little guy!!
Finally got one after trying for days. Only a poor B/B. But I am hoping to get a stone for them soon.
Captured in Dragonblight near Stars Rest, on Emerald Dream around 10:45pm realm time.
Finally after over 1000 attemps I finally snagged one of these. In the wet lands from an Ebony Whelp, been farming for Crimson whelplings.