Opallena's Comments
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glad we dont actually have to spend 1k gold for him... im getting close to that but its a steep price to pay for a pet
Ooooh I can't wait! This is very reminicent of the quest changes with the raptor and tiger mounts from Un'Goro Crater and Winterspring.
EDIT: calling it now, the end reward is the mount version of the pet you're doing the chain for!
Super excited for RWL: wrath edition. It's been waaaay too long since the last raiding with leashes installment- and some of the drops are pretty cool.
Omg... Cinder Pup looks sooo cute! Now I really can't wait for 6.2. So many new pets and mounts :) Almost got enough charms saved for all the pets and toys the new vendor will be selling too.
Figuring out how to beast most of the celestial tournament tamers with only two pets will be a challenge... but that's the fun part :)
I kinda hope the Karabor Kid is released before the xpack drops so we can have a little spacegoat following us as we quest.
Omg that space goat is so adorable! I really hope we can collect it as a pet. I think they need to stop using murlocs for blizzcon pets; seems like they're running out of ideas for them...
Finally we get a shark pet! Looks like my guild's fishing achievments in warlords will be finished pretty early on...
Very happy about the pet levels making a bigger impact on our pet scores! I suppose I need to change my Pet Score goal to 3.5k now before warlords, seeing as this update put me well over 3k.
Probably won't be till atleast end of June, begining of July until we see this now with that new Bat mount they just released yesterday :( oh well, atleast we can use it to tell when the snowy owls will start spawning.
got this guy first run, after a while he said "The Menagerie is for guests only" so cute...
Went in expecting a lengthy grind for this guy, dropped off the first elite mob i killed after killing roughly 20 or so of the smaller ones.
Fished up from the lake by the Niauzo Temple in Townlong Steppes. had 735 fishing skill and took around 325ish casts; I didnt have the required 725 skill during my first session for this guy so my numbers are probably off
I can't wait for this little guy to go live... not only does he have a great move lineup, but i've already picked out my name for him/her :) (Klarion for a boy, Raven for a girl)
If this is still not showing up for you, try catching a maggot then relogging. that worked for me :)
Finally Caught one of these this morning at around 10:00am Central time; it was right at the entrance to the tournament grounds. Only a common quality though so guess ill use my next undead stone on him :)
Just about have all of the Legion pets I can easily obtain. Still missing two cageables, Lagan, Micronax, Wondrous Wonderball, Cross Glazer, and the gold sink riverbeast that I will never obtain.
Burned 4,000 pet charms on insta-lvl25 stones just now since they'll require polished pet charms and be increased in cost, got 88 of them :)