Moused's Comments
(28) comments by Moused
Comments by Date (28)
Seems Gill’el has been removed from our Pet tab now...mine is missing and others have reported on the Bug report area of the Blizzard forums about it missing.
Anyone know if one of those 3 new pets from the Echoes might drop from the Boss?
"Retail collectors will need to wait until Patch 10.2 to receive their version of Lil' Wrathion"
Does this mean as retail player if I want this pet on Retail I have to buy Classic package or not?
In order too get Brul from the chest that Brullo drops after you kill him you have to have a certain food to eat before you open up the chest but after you kill Brullo...its called, Rocks on Rocks...the recipe can drop from the chest from Brullo or you can find it on the AH to buy...I got the pet today earlier on my druid was the 3rd try using the food after we killed Brullo...again you eat the food after you kill Brullo not before....if you eat the food before it gets cancelled when you enter the fight.
Legion you get both pets if you buy the Heroic expansion of DragonFlight. You don't have to buy two expansions...just Heroic one for both.
Just got Squibbles on my second try this week with the a another alt parked there try for more later on.....
Thank God I really worked hard during BfA to collect Pet Charms...I came into SL with over 19,000 of them on my bank alt....
Right now Jingles for some reason can't be leveled up and his name is showing as Unknown not Jingles.
Best done on a Druid for sure no having to keep getting mounted up on aqua mounts....
Just got mine in Uldum....
Which new pet can be fished up ?
Got mine at same spot got a common one....
The one most common thing between Butterflies and Bees is Flowers....they both get nectar from flowering about we have to have that battle pet that is the singing flower....Singing Sunflower horde and allaince both have this battle pet....were as we the allaince can only get the butterfly net.
Has anyone gotten drop of the Papi Buttlerfly yet....I gotten 3 of the sun ones off the Event honeycomb...but no Papi yet....
Huge problem with this pet now only Horde can summon it right now was reported over and over in Beta that Alliance couldn't summon him...sure enough on my main which is Allaince I went and got it and sure enough can't summon it...but my horde toon can but all my high end battle stones are on my allaince bank toon and soulbound...grrr.
LOL I was checking my pet logs for new PVP pet I had in my bags when I first logged in today and found Rooter....didn't even know about this pet coming to us.
Sent my bank alt which is level 20 too New Dalaran and spent 8,500 pet mostly Utlimate battle stone and other stone that gives rare too a pet and then any type of pet level stones.
I can't seem to get Tottle to registers in my collection...I have updated twice now.
Just looted the Silithid Mini-Tank...
Can this pet be caged?