Mononoaware's Comments
(2) comments by Mononoaware

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Minfernal
So I tried camping this when I was leveling through the area anyway, and of course there were always a gazillion people floating around, waiting, and never a minfernal sighting to be had, and I gave up. Monday night, I head over to Kalimdor to get a Spawn of Onyxia, and got one fairly quickly. Then I'm like, oh yeah... well, I guess I'll fly by the minfernal zone up North and find nothing.. hehehe! There he was! One lonesome poor. He looks like a pile of stinky cheese and I love him.
Posted: July 23, 2013 11:46:11 AM
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Totally go with the dragon bone hatchling advice other people are giving. Really easy to get one of these silly birds as a secondary in pet battles with them. I named mine Hioho after the awesome penguins in New Zealand. Hioho is my druid's BFF. Miettes the druid runs around in white-furred bear form with Hioho and they look like a couple of arctic rabble-rousers. They especially love crashing beautiful springwater pools until they get kicked out by officious wisps.