Merana's Comments
(5) comments by Merana

Comments by Date (5)
If you're like me and really dislike PvP here's some pointers: You can get Sightless Eye by pet battling in the Underbelly, or by fishing at the BMAH. When guards are on duty rare mobs will be popping up all over who drop the currency too.
Talk to Raethan, who stands in a sanctuary zone right after you walk down to the sewers next to Krasus Landing, and hire a bodyguard for 5 gold, lasting for 5 minutes, when guards are off duty and you can run around without getting PvP flagged.
I'm glad to see the change. I'd much rather have content in the form of Celestial Tournament II or several bonus pet battle objectives in the new zones. Or even more Crimsonwing Moth/Sapphire Firefly kind of deals. Maybe new pet things for the Darkmoon Faire as well, there's two whole tents that are empty! It could be some epic petting zoo of pet battle danger.
I hope the marmots will get an updated model as well!
I can confirm it drops from the Stolen Present rewarded by the "You're a Mean One ..." daily quest. Level 80-90 characters can complete that quest. It took me fourteen tries before I got the pet (different characters).
Well at least, in my opinion, it doesn't look super amazing or cute or whatever that I absolutely must have it, so no hard feelings for yet another pet behind some ingame activity I find absolutely dreadful. But I think if this trend continues I might just give up pet collecting altogether. The paragon chest RNG garbage is bad enough that i already don't want to bother anymore as is.