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Melandroso's Comments

(3) comments by Site MVPMelandroso

Comments by Date (3)

1-3 of 3

I have been looking all over the lava pools with no luck. But then I stumbled across three of them in the mountains east of the Bladespire Fortress (33,38) and two at 32,34. All the P/P build and all of poor quality - with a stroke of luck I even got a Flawless Battlestone after catching one.


Never found them as secondaries in the zone.

Posted: November 16, 2014 3:28:57 AM   |   Edits: 2   |   Rating: +5

Lots of these in the Coldsnap Bluffs in Frostfire Ridge. Right next to the Bloodmaul Slag Mines flight point. No hostile mobs in that area. You can also find them as secondaries all over Frostfire Ridge.

Posted: November 15, 2014 10:26:47 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1

I would think that since it only gets to a speed of 276 in the most speed heavy build, you 'd want the H/P build.

Posted: August 10, 2014 4:43:27 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +7
1-3 of 3
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