Mawder's Comments
(6) comments by Mawder

Comments by Date (6)
His swimming animation is adorable. His arms turn upside down to look more like a swimming motion and his "feet" twirl like a propeler.
I only wish a puff of steam would come out when he jumps in the water.
You can get this pet on the PTR. They give you a random selection when you create a premade character.
Found one, don't know how to delete this previous rant :)
I just started fishing for Mr. Pinchy a few days ago. I have been unsuccessful while having a buffed fishing skill of over 500. As soon as my base fishing level hit 435 (I had 573 buffed), I got Mr. Pinchy! Is this a coincidence or does it require a base level of 430?
The middle area is still phased out for me. I am exahused, I have finished every quest in the zone. All I see are "Mullan Gryphon Mount" and "Twilight Stormbender". I can't believe I wasted 6 hours of my life.
As a battle pet, it seems like a duplicate of several existing pets...?