Luvnstrumph's Comments
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Once you obtain the Dream Infusion, summon the "similar type" pet, then you will be able to purchase the pet you want.
Both locations as Etta and Songheart stated are good any time. You have to kill non-battle critters for the battle pets to spawn. Make a macro and kill the lvl 1 critters (even different named critters around the spawn area) they share battle pet spawn locations. I camped Azure Plains for a LONG time killing the 2 critters in the tiny caves under the fallen tree. I gave up and went to the Thaldraszus location and there were several there. I killed one round of critters and had one battle pet spawn right after. Good Luck!!
If you do not find pets at these locations then you can kill no capture level 1 critters. Capture pets and non combat critters usually share the same spawn locations either of the same name pet or others from the area.
Like Lightmaiden said, click on the pile of sticks, but you must click on the pile multiple times because you are "removing" sticks to uncover the pet. Happy Hunting!!
Be sure you go on a new character or go back in time. You may also need to kill the level 1 critters (non battle pet) for battle pets to spawn.
This pet has a great appearance and so I wish we can hold more. With 4 breeds and many color variations it is hard to choose just 3!!!!
I updated my pet collection today and I went from 8k plus points and 1132 unique pets to 174 points and 38 unique pets. Is this a glitch from the 9.0 patch that just happened?
Update/Edit: It turns out it showed those points and pets because I was logged onto an alt at the time I updated from armory. I logged onto my main and re-updated my collection and it worked.
Warfront open today. First kill of mine dropped Aldrusian Sproutling. At level 1 his breed stats are: 152H, 10P, 13S.
I don't know if this was just luck but when I farmed for this crow in daylight it did not drop after over an hour farming on multiple realms/toons. I decided to have a look around and found Rona Greenteeth at 36.53, 57.96 and she had for sale a potion called Inky Black Potion for 3g 33s 33c. I decided to purchase it and use it. The day turned to night and I got 2 ravens in 4 battles. Give this a try if you are not having luck or try at night. Good Luck!!
Ready for SL!! How about you?!