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Re: Horde Balloon
Posting Date: 9/30/2012
I don't have the MoP expansion yet but i can still use some of the features that come with it like the account bound pets.
I have Alliance toons on one server and Horde toons on another and I found out by happy accident that any pet my Horde toon gets on their server my Alliance toon can get credit for on the other server and vice-versa.
No "Death-Flopping" into opposing capitol cities to get the pets I want... YaY!!!!!
Posted: September 30, 2012 10:31:48 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
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Demon Hunters choose the Twisting Nether talent in their tier 2 Order Hall Advancement tree.
Warlocks choose the Demonic Offering talent in their tier 2 Order Hall Advancement tree.
Alternately, it should be possible to tag and help kill the summoned demon to get loot if you already chose the other talent for either of these classes before looking here. :)