Localust's Comments
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Mkay, the PVP area of Northern Azuna with King Mrgl Mrgl does not appear to be the area, either. Though the daily there is aptly one of the 'Operation Murloc Freedom' quests. Off to look around more :) The search for Squirky continues <3. PS, I hope this storm does not take my power out before I can get the cutie pet /cringe. The joys of living in 'Tornado Ally' this time of the year. Great luck my fellow Petketeers!!May the Tadpoles be with you!
~Loca, simply Loca~
I have enjoyed picking your brain over the years in all things WoW pets, as well as other things WoW-Lore-related. Your enthusiasm was very infectious and I hope you carry the same excitement to your next endevor!
~~Loca, simply Loca~~
This is a GREAT pet against Taralune's team! I lead with Zaradar and portal on the first move to doge the sleep / damage. Swap with Nether Faerie Dragon (2,2,1). Timing moves to counter the opposing teams big hits while ticking away at the team. These two make a nice pair to take Taralune's group down with minimal damage to your own team. This team has worked for me quite well for a few weeks now, so I am not sure if I just have RNG on my side at the moment.
Just kite her around and watch out for the pools of poison she spits. Be quick as once she is dead anyone can click her egg, and only one can loot per kill. A rogue grabbed it after I fought her down. Please don't be a prick and ninja pets. I would not have minded helping out, if I had been asked. Not like it is a long spawn timer, it is just the principle.
This was a super rare drop from mobs back in Vanilla BEFORE being a quest pet. and now it is back to a drop pet, just not as rare as it was to get to drop back in the day. I farmed for a couple of weeks to get this one, with the help of my ex. It was little known, but when he got one to drop while questing and trying to not get killed he showed me and we headed off together to find one of these beauties for me. Good luck on the hunt! This is still one of my most cherished pixals <3
I want to especially thank Plaguedeath for helping me out so much on obtaining the IE pets! And various others around BfE! So again, thanks so much my friend!
Here comes Childrens week!! YAY!!! Most of my ingame gold goes to my daughters' toons, and she switches around a lot. But it's all in good fun!
She and I joined WarcraftPets guild@Madoran on alts! YAY!
As always, Much love to the "GORGANITES" and "Killing in the Name of"! You all rock!