Ljdynamic's Comments
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Oh hey, I didn't realize this was a rare spawn and I just spotted him. Realized I didnt have one so I captured it. Awesome! I'm very happy that I didn't realize this was a new pet before hand and then spent hours looking for it.
Edit: Uncommon, coords 32, 64.
I absolutely love having 'Reflective Shield'. I enjoy ever more so when it's against a pet that does critter damage or has a really hard hitting attack that they can buff up, like Iron Starlette or Tranq Mech Yeti etc... HAHA. Silly people =P
This little guy is awesome. I spent a couple of weeks LF an S/S, traded a Sand Scarab for it. WELL worth it! I haven't been up against one myself but I know that I must irritate the other player considering the other 2 pets I paired up with this cutie <3
Just got mine on Zul'jin, glad I decided to check if it was raining =). Poor (P/P) and an uncommon (B/B), nothing a stone can't fix =)
Yup don't give up, just leave a toon you care nothing of parked there and just pop in ever so often. Took me 2 weeks before I logged in lucky for this cute babe.
I just wanted to be the first to comment here, this is my first 6.1 pet. Sadly Idk what breed she is =[ or if she comes in different breeds even. Happy hunting =D
I've had for 8-9 months now (S/S). Always as a great killer of Dragonkin. Today I um.. realized.. he has.. other abilities (MIND BLOWN) LOL. Grubbles, Scrags, Stings (Garrison daily) nice place to use. Nagrand battle trainer he took out all 3 pets solo, Triple Snap and Rampage. I founds me a new critter killer yeehaw (banjo plays in the background). Cymre Brightblade is another place to use this pet. What a fun pet honestly <3
Ok so I had gone to get a Tiny Bog Beast and, well, first battle rare and H/S what I wanted. So I had an Elemental stone in bags didn't use it. Headed up to Arathi Highlands seeking this elemental. There were none so I just alt tabbed, flew around, found myself a rare prairie dog WOOP. Anywho flew back and there it was just 1... RARE and H/S. Shoot not bad at all, 40 mins well spent. Still have my stone hehe.
So I head out there with my Elemental token ready to snag up the first H/S. Uh... and the first one I engage is an H/S rare quality. Idk what do with myself haha.
Edit: Went to find an H/S Tiny Twister, 0 around. Roughly 30 mins, looked for a rare Cottontail, found rare Prairie Dog, went back to the spawn point only 1.... RARE and H/S. Still have the token FFS (#wowproblems) I hate using hastag BUT it fits. Cottontail found 3 battles later SWEET!
Emerald Proto-Whelp (P/P) perfect pet for taking out the Pandaren Air Spirit and its buddies (solo). They are all weak attack against dragonkin. Also a pretty solid pet for pvp battles as well.
Caught mine as a secondary when I went to battle Nitun. Annoying when you get 2 rares in one battle. The other rare was a (p/p) Spirebound Crab, UGH, I really wanted it but figure I can find another one easier than I could this guy.
It took me around 15 to finally get a rare a few days ago. Today flew by, decided to attack 1, seriously, just 1 just cause and it was a rare!! Annoys me some haha. I have a P/P and a H/P Idk which I will keep and level to 25. GL.
I was just going to get Leorahj when I saw a name I didn't recognized. Engaged it and it is a rare. Woohoo. Location (52,70)